Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hmm....So much to report. Good, bad and ugly...

First of all the good.  So far the PFFS meals are good.  I just had the Chipotle chicken breast with mung bean noodles, veggies and chick peas.  It was very very spicy.  Decent though.  Spicy but bland which is weird.  But a little salt and good to go.  The mung noodles were sort of fun; something different.  Not my favorite on the menu but doable.  

DH had his "Diettogo" delivered today.  The box is much smaller in terms of packaging and is an actual cooler.  It is flash frozen and vacuum sealed and sent in dry ice.  The dry ice was gone by the time we opened the cooler but it sat all day inside DH's office before I picked it up and the food was cold and still frozen.  So, I guess that's ok.  MIght be a bit worrisome as the weather gets hotter.  But the food looks delicious.  It is nicely presented and the veggies look fresh and wonderful.  Lots of sandwiches though for lunch which is ok but nothing interesting, you know?  
On the other hand my chicken wrap with honey dijon mustard and onions etc. was wonderful today from PFFS.  The veggie servings are much bigger on the diettogo it seems.  I will report on that and get back to you on how it all tastes.  But, the diet went well today.  I think I am getting sick so I slept in (so did the kids which is odd) and by the time I fixed them breakfast, had my diet coke, did homeschool morning work, it was too late for breakfast so I just had lunch at 11:30.  Add to it that one of our furnaces went out today and we had people in and out most of the afternoon.  So, diet-wise, today has been such a good day that I have to have enough calories for my WW icecream treat.  :)

Now, for the ugly....eDiets!  It seems that public humiliation is the only thing that gets their attention.  The BBB is following up on my complaint and I did file a complaint with the attorney general's office for fraud.  After they yelled at me via email and deleted my posts which contained nothing but truth, I was furious.  I fired back an email asking them to take some time to address customer's valid concerns instead of policing a message board blah blah blah.  Then I posted a simple question "Could the community support team get eDiets to give back the money they stole from me" and somehow, I got an email today showing my accounts canceled and promising to refund my money.  Money still hasn't been processed but at least it shows the accounts as canceled.  Maybe the bleeding has stopped.  

So, that's it for now.  I love the convenience of pre-cooked food and meal plans and this has been a challenging week.  But my weight is dropping slowly and I am happy with that.  

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